
The Inertia

Apparently, “skarping” is a thing. It was invented by a bunch of boozy guys from Peoria Carp Hunters who were unsatisfied with their traditional jigs and sought to invent a new method that was more aligned with their blood alcohol content. Their antics, however, might not be as silly and careless as you think.

Before you get your panties in a bunch and shame these blokes for promoting the exploitation of American fisheries, silver carp are considered a highly invasive species. Ever since they were imported to North America from China in the 1970s, these fast-growing, aggressive, and adaptable pests continue to outcompete native fish and completely take over lakes, rivers, and what have you. Plus, pound for pound, more silver carp are produced worldwide in aquaculture than any other species. So to think these guys are doing anything worth blowing the whistle about would be sort of a waste of time. If anything, I just sure hope this video doesn’t inspire anyone else to go skarping. It’s silly. It’s right up there with extreme ironing and ferret legging. But hey, to each his own, right?


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