Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Growing up with fantastical movies especially those in the way of pervasive mythology, you “learn” that nature is a woman and the ocean (or at least the protector of the ocean), a man. More specifically, Poseidon, at least as the ocean’s main representative. The god’s name invokes power and a kingdom of vast, unforgiving depths. Who knew that the trident-carrying sea guardian and Han Solo were one and the same?

And who knew that the ocean was a grumpy old man sitting on his front stoop, shotgun in hand?

“I give, they take; but I can always take back.”

Jokes aside, this message Harrison Ford is spitting our way is important. And while this campaign happened a little less than a year ago, the message is important enough to blast out twice, thrice, or umpteen times: “If nature isn’t kept healthy, humans won’t survive — simple as that. I mean, I could give a damn with or without humans. I’m the ocean, I covered this entire planet once, and I can always cover it again.”


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