Busua Beach Enthusiast
West African stoke. Photo: <a href="http://surfnshine.org/">Surf 'N' Shine</a>

West African stoke. Photo: Surf ‘N’ Shine

Black Star Development is a nonprofit that aims to design, organize, and implement specialized development projects in small communities in Ghana. The range and scope of our projects are broad and evolving, but the goal is to help different Ghanaian communities develop sustainably while elevating the standard of living and overall quality of life. The organization is currently focused on ecotourism, and currently undertaking other development projects, including education, health, sanitation,women empowerment, sports and coaching, ICT workshops and environmental projects. Through partnerships, project coordinators, interns and volunteers, the Organization works with the local communities to address their needs in a responsible way.

Surf & Impact Volunteer Program was created by Black Star Development in the year 2012 with the aim of bringing in interns, volunteers and even master thesis students to help work on the above mentioned projects. The volunteers will stay with host families in Busua and will have a cultural times with the families of their host and also enjoy the beautiful Busua Beach and lovely community people. We also organize excursions for the volunteers as in ‘weekend trip’ to let them see more of Ghana.


Only the best. We promise.


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