Editor’s Note: Comment of the Week is our opportunity to identify an Inertia community member whose commentary pushes the site and our mission upward and forward.

Stu Nettle makes a good point, but The Inertia is a platform for all talented surfers, not merely one side of the conversation.
So here’s the great thing about this website: it provides a platform for anyone with an interesting idea. A conversation starter. It’s a soapbox, at times. And we love it. Because there are so many ideas and opinions on the site – and in the vastness of the internet in general – there are bound to be a few disagreements here and there. And while comment boards seem to sometimes double as a bucket so full of putrid vitriol that it sloshes over, they also provide the opportunity to state an opposing opinion in a respectful, intelligent way. It’s sad that it’s becoming a rarity, but like they say, you can’t have the sweet without the sour. Each one of those respectful, intelligent comments seems that much more respectful and intelligent when compared to the veritable sea of hatred that trolls feel the need to spew forth from their keyboards.
Stu Nettle, thanks for your thoughts. You’re right – Alana Blanchard’s name does garner clicks. And while those clicks are important to us ( you like us! You really like us!) they’re not the main reason for those types of posts. We’re looking to bring the most entertainment to this site as we can – and whether we agree with it or not, chances are good that someone will. We’ll also have something on the opposite end of the spectrum, like the piece you commented on, and as many as we can in between. Because, like we said, your entertainment is our priority. And whether you’re entertained by Alana Blanchard and shark attacks or think-pieces on environmentalism, we want to cover those bases.
So, Mr. Nettle, internet high-five for pointing out something that needed to be pointed out. And another one for doing it in a respectful, intelligent manner.