We’ve all been there: a wayward fin opens up skin above the eyebrow on a remote beach. Or a snowboard edge slices your face in the backcountry. You’re laying there in the woods, bleeding all over yourself knowing full well you’re not going to make it to a doctor for hours, maybe even days. And unless you have a physician and a suture kit on the trip, you’re f*****. Butterfly bandages only work when the wound isn’t an absolute mess.
Check out this solution. ZipStitch is simple: four zip-ties are connected by two super-adhesive bandages. Simply stick the adhesive on either side of the wounds and pull the zip-ties shut. Yes, we know, wounds aren’t always perfectly symmetrical, but when they are, this is a pretty ingenious tool to have in your first-aid kit.
You can learn more about the product on their website here and purchase it here.