Paige Alms wins the 2023 Red Bull Magnitude Overall Performance Award. Photo: Red Bull Magnitude

On January 1, 2024, Red Bull Magnittude, the all-women’s digital big-wave surf contest will open its two-month competition window. The contest, which was conceived in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, will dedicate film and water safety crews to three big wave locations across Hawaii, giving competitors the opportunity to catch waves that will be submitted and judged by a panel that includes Rochelle Ballard (Head Judge), Ian Walsh, Kai Lenny, Andrea Moller and Megan Abubo once the contest window closes February 29th.
The 24 competitors will surf Pe’ahi, Waimea Bay, and Hawaii’s Outer Reefs with $50,000 in prize money on the line across eight different categories: the $20,000 Overall Champion, second through fifth place overall performances, Best Ride (paddle only), Best Tow, and Breakthrough Performer.
“Big wave surfing continues to explore new frontiers that are only possible when resources exist to support the pursuit. Red Bull’s belief and investment in the growth and development of women’s big-wave riding is exemplary. I am incredibly honored to have the opportunity to play a small part in this history making event that is dedicated to women,” says Magnitude’s official Competition Director, Jodi (Wilmott) Young.
While the competition is held during freesurfs at designated locations in Hawaii, two international newcomers have been added to the contest, bringing the field to a total of 24 surfers. Laura Coviella of the Canary Islands and Chile’s Domi Charrier will be joining Hawaiian newcomers Chelsea Mihm and Corrie Gray.