Photo: Ben Gravy // YouTube

Ben Gravy has finally had it with the cold. As he explained in his most recent YouTube video, Gravy and company set off for greener (and warmer) pastures. “We all know New Jersey’s cold,” he said. “[We’re] getting out of here. It’s been snowing – record snowfall, record temperatures. We are heading somewhere warm and we’re stoked.”
Just kidding.
He actually went to Nova Scotia. Somehow, Ben managed to find a place that was a test of cold water endurance even for a man who once went to Alaska and surfed a wave literally produced by a glacier. On the other hand, it’s also turning out to be the beginning of the adventure of a lifetime.
“I’ve never gotten out of the water from being too cold while surfing in my life,” he elaborated in the caption. “I’ve always been the guy that squeezes every single last drop of stoke out of every session. For the first time in my life I got out, because the conditions were literally too cold for me to withstand. I’m very stoked to share this once in a lifetime experience while surfing in subzero temps, white out blizzard conditions here in Nova Scotia. The best part is that this is only day one of the trip!”