You’ve always got to have some entertainment between surfs…always. Here’s a list of my current top five books to travel with; I recommend them to any and all traveling surfers. Get your brain big…read!
1) First, I have to bring one sports psychology book. Always. Especially if I am competing. Maybe Mind Gym, The Inner Game of Tennis, or Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect.
2) Then I dip right into Mario Puzo’s collection of mafia books. The Last Don or The Sicilian or Epic! Once you’re in with the mafia, you’re in with the mafia. Period.
3) I always love The Lord of the Rings series, but find that Tolkien’s writing is so descriptive and lengthy that if I don’t completely focus on his writing I get lost easily.
4) I have also just gotten into finance books thanks to Pops! He gave me Rich Dad, Poor Dad and I am loving it.
5) Then, for fun pack in the Bukowski. It’s more like dessert reading than anything!