
The Inertia

Suck it, Lowers! The title of Jamie O’Brien’s video documenting his latest trip to Kelly Slater’s Surf Ranch dubs the controversial venue the “best wave [he] ever surfed in California.” Though that’s perhaps a bit of an exaggeration, his enthusiasm was fueled not only by perfectly machined, landlocked barrels, but also the chance to bring some friends and family along for a unique experience that may not have been possible otherwise.

The Surf Ranch is often criticized as a playground exclusively for the wealthiest or most connected surfers, and in many ways it is, but JOB says he makes the effort to open the Ranch’s doors to people in his life who he feels may not have had the opportunity otherwise.”I always try to find the right people that I want to bring here that I feel like maybe they would never have the chance to come here,” says Jamie near the end of the video. In this case, those were childhood friend, Justin, and his girlfriend Tina Cohen’s mother, Emiko.

Based on the reactions, the invites were well chosen. “I never in a million years thought I would ever come and surf such a perfect wave pool,” said Justin of the experience.


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