Apparently the 11 on Kelly’s jersey is for the 11 world titles he’s won. But maybe it’s also a deeper connection to numbers. Photo: WSL/Poullenot/Aquashot

Besides being one of the greatest athletes of all time, another particularly powerful dimension of Kelly’s character pertains to his connection with the metaphysical world. Every so often, underground rumors propagate in the surf community regarding Kelly’s spirituality and this connectedness. Kelly eats magical dirt. Kelly’s a freak of nature. Even though he is human, would it surprise anyone if Kelly did occasionally tap into an otherworldly spiritual level that most people cannot even dream to access?
Another such rumor is that Kelly has always had a thing for numbers. The recent unveiling of Kelly’s freak of technology is an unmistakable testament to his appreciation for applied mathematics and engineering. However, I’m not referring to science when I say Kelly has an affinity for numbers (perhaps the numbers have an affinity for him). I’m referring to numerology and the hidden meaning of numbers. Numbers seem to have a higher-level vibration that speaks to Kelly, and Kelly can hear them.
Let’s reflect on some occurrences in Kelly’s life with regards to the numbers 11 and 12. These numbers may allude to some mysterious predictions in Kelly’s future, especially about the 11-time world champ gearing up for another run at the coveted 12th world title. For the record, Kelly did win his 11th world title in the year 2011. In 2012, instead of upping the title count by one, he fell short by one spot and earned a 2nd place that year. The 12th world title eluded him by one rank, which could have been one contest, which could have been one heat.
Speaking of one’s, Kelly’s name and the number eleven is a numerologist’s delight. Any numerological analysis would not be credible without spelling Ke11y’s name with the number eleven at least once. But did you know that ‘K’ is the 11th letter of the alphabet? That’s a second level of odd. Are you ready for level three? The letter ‘L’ is the twelfth letter of the alphabet. Are 12’s somehow trying to replace 11’s in a supernatural alphanumeric dimension that only Kelly can access?
In a recent article, the author opens with an introduction to the numbers 11 and 12. He elucidates how these numbers have a peculiar mathematical relationship with one another in the eyes of mathematicians. In the article, he segues this mathematical relationship to the juxtaposition of two surfers wearing jerseys numbered 11 (Kelly Slater) and 12 (John Florence) and their relationship in present and future world title races. Let’s get this interconnectedness correct. Surfer number twelve is preventing surfer number eleven from winning number twelve. The arithmetic plot thickens.
Great stories become gripping when the antagonist appears, and the hero’s journey is suddenly obstructed with a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Is John Florence, flying the flag of the coveted number 12, now the numerological nemesis of number 11? We’ve always known our villain was a force to be reckoned with and John provided the numerical proof of his prowess by winning his first world title this year. But is Mr. Florence also a mathematical menace? John won his first world title at the age of 24; a number perfectly divisible by 12. Kelly Slater was born on February 11th, 1972. Decomposing Kelly’s birthdate date (2/11/1972) into its individual character summation (2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2) equates to twenty-three, falling one short of twenty-four. The force of twelve is strong with the young Padawan and it already may be affecting our hero.
To overcome John’s number game, Kelly may need to invoke the power of numbers himself. Florence, as the fully functional formidable foe, has formally expressed (numerologically speaking) a gravitation towards the number 12. One more year on tour may not be enough for Kelly. If Kelly wants to attain his mystic 12th world title, and have mathematical divinity on his side, he may want to consider staying on tour through 2019. Do the spiritual math.