Off the coast of Ensenada lies an island with seagulls, a lighthouse, one lonely dog, and monster waves. The main break on Todos Santos Island is appropriately named “Killers.” When all conditions line up and Maverick’s is blown out, all the best West Coast big wave surfers charge down in force.
During this swell, the peak was over max capacity, putting even the most trained and prepared big wave surfers at an added risk. There were clean-up sets that led to many broken boards and bodies. The carnage included an emergency EVAC of Puerto Escondido’s finest, Coco Nogales, to a hospital with serious injuries. It was a hectic day with some amazing surfing – but all that could expected when a massive, and long-period, swell lined up with Friday the 13th.
Todos Santos Friday the 13th 2023 from Trent Stevens on Vimeo.