Distributor of Ideas

You might be a little late to enjoy the free House Beer and spicy Cuervo margaritas, but just in case you missed the premiere of Vissla’s Palmera Express in Los Angeles last Friday, here it is. Eddie Obrand’s latest creation features Bryce Young, Cam Richards, Brendon Gibbens, and many more in a spicy island rum cocktail infused with some Endless Summer nectar and garnished with a Wes Anderson twist. With great surfing, classic narration, and some groovy tunes, Palmera Express is a must-see.

“They rode the cool Northeast trade winds across an ocean to The Island. They ended up in the bed of a plantation-green pickup truck, with a mad tour guide behind the wheel, and thrashing palmeras blowing above them. They rode stubby fishes and sleek shortboards through lurching, spitting sapphire surf. Each guy had a story, from the gonzo writer to the gypsy traveler. It was there on The Island where these eclectic friends converged one extraordinary winter to explore these foreign waters and revel in this dreamy island life… All aboard the Palmera Express.”


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