One day in the not-too-distant future, lineups might look a lot different. A lot more fun, to be precise. Right now, it’s black wetsuit, game face, game time. But if Kalani Robb, who just took on a new role as Creative Director at 7TILL8 Wetsuits, has his druthers, surf spots are in store for a little spice. Enter business suits with red power ties, movie-themed suits, unicorn and rainbow graphics, and generally happier people riding waves. It’s simple. Just change the uniform.
7TILL8 Wetsuits, which began in 2016 as a custom-tailored wetsuit business, brought Robb on board in July to tap into the trademark good vibes that he’s made a staple. Think Catch Surf escapades meets wetsuits. His first project: the business suit, of course.
“The way that it all started off is that I literally saw a suit and thought it would be pretty silly and pretty creative,” said Kalani Robb. “I picked a picture out that I liked. I sent it to Andrew at 7TILL8, and 24 hours later I had the suit.”
Robb is also helping to develop the brand’s new initiative: ready-made wetsuits.
“For the first time ever we are offering a line of ready-made wetsuits that are stocked and ready for purchase,” says 7TILL8 Founder Andrew Park. “Our goal is to utilize Kalani’s out-of-the-box ideas to push the limitations and boundaries of the wetsuit.”
“We have a lot of new ideas to blow people’s minds,” says Robb. “It’s going to be a lot of fun.”
Want to custom order your own business suit? Head over to 7TILL8’s website for more information.
Editor’s Note: This branded piece was produced in partnership with 7TILL8 Wetsuits.