Southern California’s Waikiki, Doheny State Beach, is (usually) an easy-going surf locale in the heart of Dana Point, California. Grumpy old longboarders and hip cross-steppers mix it up on the peaks while groms inhabit the reform on the inside, especially at higher tides during summer south swells.
It’s not perfect, it can be dirty after a rain, but it’s Doho, and it’s nothing if not reliable. This grey whale seemed to agree, as Payton Landaas, a San Juan Hills High senior spotted the mammal from the bluff above Doho in Capo Beach. “I ran and got my drone and flew it out there,” he said. “Then it ventured out to Doheny … it was just cruising. I lost it a couple times, it dove down pretty deep.”
Most of the surfers didn’t seem to mind that the juvenile mammal checked out the surf as they were sitting in the lineup. The surf looked pretty small anyway.