“Back home, being young is just something you do until you become an adult. Around here, it’s different. here, it’s everything.” (Sally Jacobson/Patty D’Arvanbille, Big Wednesday)
We are not that young anymore, but the spirit lives on.
Things have changes, with social media taking over big chunks of our lives. This year, after the Salinas Longboard Festival, I have taken some time to think and ponder about our still very young history. To reflect about what it is that draws us to the beach, what it is that binds us together like family.
To me, as I said on a previous post, it all somehow comes together in the vehicular event of Longboarding in Spain, The Salinas Longboard Festival.
From a personal point of view, Salinas has grown as a vital part of my passion for longboarding and my love for the audiovisual medium (my day job). The festival has been a blank canvas for me to explore and create, to understand this waveriding thing that binds us better and to grow as a person and as a professional. This community that I’ve created is called The Wavepeople.
Even though the event has grown beyond what we imagined when we started all this, it has not lost that spark of pure stoke that surfing with friends ignites.
ESTO ES SALINAS is my vision of what was last year’s festival. Salinas was again all it has allways been, a meeting of good old and new friends, good waves, good times in and out of the water… simply the Longboard Family.
This video, tries to reflect just that, and allthough not everyone that should be in it, is in it… their spirit shines through. This is my humble take on what went on last year… and it’s just the beggining of more stuff to come.