When a big south swell runs into mainland Mexico, all eyes turn to Puerto Escondido. And on September 1, the biggest swell since May turned that famous stretch of sand into what we all know and love. The Mexican Pipeline drank up the southern hemi swell like a man dying of thirst.
Maria Fernanda was there on the beach, filming in 4K over the week of giant waves. And what she caught was a whole lot of waves and a whole lot of wipeouts. One of the worst was Matt Bromley’s, which left him with a gash on his forehead so wide you could drive a truck through it. Thankfully, he’ll recover just fine, but he’s going to have a hell of a reminder of the wave that nearly scalped him.
Learn about how to deal with heavy water conditions from a Puerto Escondido expert, Mark Healey, in Mark Healey’s Guide to Heavy Water, designed to help you push yourself, keep calm, and build confidence in the ocean and heavy surf.