Tanner Gudauskas is an observer. He’s the little brother. As a little brother, I can relate. I watched my big brother closely. I did what he did. And then tried to do it better. Patrick describes him as “more of an introvert,” but that only works in the context of the Gudauskas brothers – who, as a tribe, certainly fall on the extroverted end of the spectrum. But, as a little brother, Tanner, has observed Pat and Dane. He sees how Pat’s more calculated ambitions to be a great surfer and Dane’s buoyant, freeform positivity have worked for them. And he’s managed to combine the best of his brothers’ sensibilities with his own creative prowess and talents in the ocean to do something all his own.
And when it comes to Tanner’s positivity, it all comes down to something very simple: Surfing.
“The key to happiness is…to become a surfer,” says Tanner. “That’s easy.”
Watch our (HEADSPACE) interview with Tanner above, and check out features with the full trio: Pat Guduaskas and Dane Gudauskas. These fellas bring the good vibes. Enjoy.