Former Eff Bee Eye Agent/Quarterback Punk
Pictured: Two Eff-Bee-Eye Agents

Pictured: Two Eff-Bee-Eye Agents

The Inertia

Everybody loves a good meme. That’s a proven scientific fact. Everybody. You know what else everybody loves? Point Break, that’s what. More than two decades after I single handedly put the kibosh on the Dead Presidents’ endless summer, people are still talking about the greatest surf tale ever told. It’s like that one time I beat SC in the Rose Bowl. People talked about that for a long time, and even though it made me a college football legend, it didn’t exactly blow my cover in my first FBI assignment. Anyway, I believe I was talking about memes:

1. Little known fact: Tyler is color blind. She thought I was a ginger.


2. Even Cube can’t get enough of those meatball subs.

Photo by Al Pereira/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Photo by Al Pereira/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

3. Surfing is not a crime.


4. Actually, this is a most excellent idea if I do say so myself. 

pb meme

5. Did you know…? 


6. I got my first tube today, sir. 


7. Easy there, Clint.


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