
The Inertia

Tavarua, hands down, is one of the greatest surf trips of my life. From the amazing Fijians that run the resort to the surfers that visit them, I will never forget that little heart-shaped island.

The days here start around 5 a.m. When you walk out of your bure in the morning, the moon is still above you while you begin to froth on the waves. A quick walk from your casa takes you to one of the most famous left reef breaks in the world: Restaurants. Soon after the early, early morning, 10 to 15 dudes are already up and ready for a sunrise session. If Restaurants isn’t doing its thing – which is basically never – a five to ten minute boat ride will bring you to the dreamy, world-class wave: Cloudbreak.

After a morning session, it’s back to the island for an amazing breakfast made by the local Fijians. After going into a much-needed food coma and then taking a dip in the pool, it’s nearly noon. In between eating and taking a dip, you’ve already seen a few gems roll through, and, by this time, you’re already jonesin’ for another session. Restaurants, which is only a hop, skip and a jump from your font doorstep, is always a good option. All that’s left is to ask one of the Fijians for a quick drop-off, and next thing you know you’re tucked into one of the best barrels of your life.

A little surfed out from the morning session? No worries. Head out with a few friends on a charter boat for some tropical fishing and relaxation in the open ocean. Not only does Fiji have some of the best surf in the world, it also has some of the best fishing on the planet. To me, fighting a 4-foot Spanish mackerel is just a step below pulling into a massive tube at Cloudbreak.

With great fishing comes many fish, and with an abundance of fish comes some of the most beautiful reefs. Tavarua has many world-class areas to dive and snorkel just minutes away from the island. For those homebodies, there is also fantastic snorkeling right outside the resort.

As surfers and photographers, we come to Tavarua primarily for the surf. Depending on the swell, knowledgeable workers designate 3 times throughout the day to transport surfers to the appropriate breaks.

After a day of countless activities, you can relax with family and friends and simply have a few Fiji Bitter beers. If your groms are bugging you, just send them over to the mini ramp built by the one and only Tony Hawk. To me, there’s no better place in the world than Tavarua. God knows that I will be back. Vinaka!

For more of Pete’s photography, follow him on Instagram or on his visit his website.


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