Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

What’s better than a road trip with friends? Not a lot, as concluded the squad at Imperfects, a San Diego-based surf and skate lifestyle brand that recently released the short film above, Let Us Go. “Skateboarding is a vessel that brings you to places around the world that most individuals might not seek out,” Logan Kruse, Imperfects’ head of skate told me. Why else would a group of friends seek out slabs of concrete in the middle of nowhere?

Randy Yum, one of the skaters in the film, agreed: “Having an opportunity to actually remove myself from my day-to-day routine and just plop into two weeks of nothing but good times and what I want to do is refreshing and reminds me of who I am. It reminds me of the life I want to live in an ideal world. Who is to say that ideal world can’t be created?”

Imperfects Presents: Let Us Go

Let Us Go is a new film from San Diego-based skate/surf brand Imperfects, that takes them on a tour de force of Idaho skate parks. Photo: Imperfects.

Imperfects is working to highlight the good in humanity by focusing on our imperfections. This is the second video from the Imperfects Skate Crew, its first being SMILE, from this past January which took us on a hunt for skate spots in the wilds of Montana.

“(After filming SMILE), we all promised each other that we needed to make this happen every year,” Logan says. “This year we honored that promise and set our sights on Idaho as it provided the same juxtaposition and seclusion from society. Through the film, and at Imperfects more generally, we want to highlight human interactions and human imperfections – the differences that make an actual difference. We want to encourage people to be themselves. That is how the title ‘Let Us Go’ came about. Get in a van, go towards the unknown, lean on your friends, and have some damn fun at the same time.”


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