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Donald J. Trump, celebrating the ocean and all of the resources we can suck out of it.

Donald J. Trump, celebrating the ocean and all of the resources we can suck out of it.

The Inertia

Donald Trump is not an advocate for the environment. One can see why, too. All those pesky rules put in place to keep the country from becoming a smog-laden wasteland full of poisoned water are a huge pain in the ass for bloated billionaires and the laborers who work for them. Sure, they’re a pain in the ass for the small-town farmer, too, but Trump’s not worried about them. He’s worried about the bloated billionaire. He’s an advocate for the economy (although one could argue–and many have–that investing in renewables and the future, in general, is GREAT for the economy). He did, however–one day before pulling the U.S. from the Paris Agreement–declare June as National Ocean Month. But it’s not National Ocean Month to celebrate the ocean, it’s National Ocean Month to celebrate raping and pillaging the ocean. It’s a celebration, bitches!

I could talk about the Paris Agreement, or the fact that he once called on Obama to do more about climate change, or the fact that 22 of the Senators who urged Trump to leave the Paris Agreement received more than $10 million from oil and gas companies, or the fact that he just plain misunderstood MIT’s research on climate change, but that wouldn’t do any good. The people who are with Trump are, for the most part, with Trump. And they’re allowed to be. People are unhappy, and Donald gave them hope. Misguided hope, but hope nonetheless. Donald Trump, via Twitter, has convinced a large portion of the population that the environment doesn’t matter all that much.

I’ve written some awful things about Donald Trump. Here’s an example from a few days after he became the President:

 “Well, it’s official. Donald Trump, that orange-faced, narcissistic, enormously rich (?), tax-evading, climate change denying, joke of a human being is the President of the United States.”

I caught some flak for that, but fuck it. He’s stupid, arrogant, crooked, and a throwback to a time that should stay in the past. He’s racist, conniving, and ugly, both inside and out. And yes, his hands are small, not that it matters. Like I said, the people who like Trump are, for the most part, with Trump. No amount of science or reasoning will change it.

Read this proclamation carefully, because it’s a scary glimpse into the mind of a man who has one thing on his mind: the almighty dollar. Yes, he pays lip service to renewables and recreation, but that’s all it is… and it’s a sad day for anyone who spends time outside of a bubble made of lies and deceit.



National Ocean Month celebrates the mighty oceans and their extraordinary resources. This month, we recognize the importance of harnessing the seas for our national security and prosperity.

Thirty-four years ago, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the creation of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, making clear America’s sovereign right to explore, exploit, conserve, and manage ocean resources extending 200 nautical miles from our shores. This is the world’s largest Exclusive Economic Zone, spanning more than 3.4 million square nautical miles an area larger than the combined landmass of all 50 States. We must recognize the importance of our offshore areas to our security and economic independence, all while protecting the marine environment for present and future generations.

Today, our offshore areas remain underutilized and often unexplored. We have yet to fully leverage new technologies and unleash the forces of economic innovation to more fully develop and explore our ocean economy. In the field of energy, we have just begun to tap the potential of our oceans’ oil and gas, wind, wave, and tidal resources to power the Nation. The fisheries resources of the United States are among the most valuable in the world. Growing global demand for seafood presents tremendous opportunities for expansion of our seafood exports, which can reduce our more than $13 billion seafood trade deficit.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2017 as National Ocean Month. This month, I call upon Americans to reflect on the value and importance of the oceans not only to our security and economy, but also as a source of recreation, enjoyment, and relaxation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-first.



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